The Voice of Human Justice Popular
ID Book:
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(Sautu'l Adalat'l Insaniyah)
Author: George Jordac
Translator: M. Fazal Haq
Editor: Amirali Aini
Publisher: AnsariyanPublications
First Edition: 1990 - 1369 - 1410
Second Reprint: 2007 - 1386- 1428
Quds Press
Quantity: 2000
Number of pages: 508
Subjects: Imam Ali (a.s); History; Imamate and Wilayat
This book contains these titles:
ID Book; Bibliography; Content; Publishers' Note; Preface; Arabian Peninsula; The coming of the prophet; A glance over history; The Prophet and Abutalib; The Prophet and Ali; Ali is my brother; The attributes of Ali; Knowledge and sagacity of Ali; Human rights and Ali; Poverty and its consequences; Conditions prior to Ali; Ruler is one of tbe people; Freedom and its sources; Individual freedom; Accountability; Helping the needy; Neither fanaticism nor infallibility; War and peace; Combat oppression; Administration of Ali; U.N. Charter of human rights; Value of life and Ali; Conditions prevailing after Ali; The two families of Quraysh; Mu`awiya and his successors; Husayn and Yazid; Supporters of the two parties; Murderers of Uthman; The volley of criticism; Facts about Uthman's murder; Some false statements; A great conspiracy; Revolt against Ali; God! be a witness; Two impostors; The disaster; Was it justified?; The divine will; Let them mourn
- Author :
- Publisher :
- Language :
- Type :دیجیتالی
- Type of content :
- Total Volume :1
- Digital number :11472
- Cost View :رایگان
- Book Version :3