By: Baqir Sharif al-Qarashi
Translated by
Jasim al-Rasheed
subject: Infallibles, Imam Kazim, Biography
This Book Contains These Titles:
His Birth and His Childhood; His Pure Childhood; His Veneration and Esteem; The Inscription of his Ring; His Genius and Superiority; Heredity; The Family;Cleverness and Genius; With Abu Hanifa; His Decision against Abu al-Khattab; School of Imam al-Sadiq; The factors of Development and Prosperity; The Science Delegations;The Number of its Students; Pride and Glory;The Authority fears the Imam's School;The Teaching Programs; Noble Moral Traits; Preferring the Truth; Bringing together the People of Separation;His Words about Allah; The Qualities of the Believers;In the Time of Imam Musa; His Imamate; The Meaning of the Imamate; The Necessity of the Imamate; Agreement on the Necessity of the Imamate; The Duties of the Imam; The Qualities of the Imam; His Scientific Talents; His Worship and Fear of Allah;His Renouncing the World; Recording of the impressions and sentiments full of admiration 1; Some of His Intellectual Legacy; His Treatise on Reason; Evidence for the Existence of Allah; Luqman's wise sayings; The Qualities of the sane and the characteristics of their deeds; Al-Bida'; Sitting with (religious) Scholars; The Excellence of Jurists; Warning against Laziness; Generosity and good Manners; Pardon and Restoration; Relieving Sanctuary-seekers; With Burayha; The Collapse of the Umayyad Government; Ahl al-Bayt meet Severe Punishments; The Shi'a are persecuted; The Battle of al-Hurra; The Policy of Unbelief and Oppression; Additional Taxes; The Choice of the Properties; The People refuse their own Possessions; The Governors and the Tax collectors; Showing Despise toward the Peoples; Their Oppressing Non-Arab Muslims; The Dissoluteness of the Umayyad Kings; Al-Walid Bin Yazid; The Fanaticism between the Yemenis and the Nazaris; Al-Abwa' Conference; Abu Muslim is elected; Ibrahim's Teachings to Abu Muslim; With Nasar Bin Sayyar; At the Time of al-Saffah; The Battle of al-Zaab; The Umayyads escape; Genocide; The 'Abbasids dig up the Graves of the Umayyads; Al-Saffah and the 'Alawids; Abu Muslim repents; During the Time of al-Mansur; The Aspects of al-Mansur's Personality; The Reasons for his Miserliness; At al-Rabadha; At al-Hashimiya; His confiscating the 'Alawids' properties; The Revolt of Muhammed al-Zaki; Imam Musa with al-Mansur; Al-Mansur's Policy is criticized; The Shi'ites follow Imam Musa; The 'Alawids ask al-Mansur for Mercy; At the Time of al-Mehdi; The Influence of Woman; His Showing Enmity toward the 'Alawids; His Spending a lot of Money on Disparaging the 'Alawids; His giving a Proof of that Wine is forbidden; The Borders of Fadak; His Widening al-Mesjid al-Haram; Imam Musa is arrested; The Death of al-Mehdi; At the Time of al-Hadi; Al-Husayn, the great Revolutionist; The Prisoners of War reaches al-Hadi; His threatening Imam Musa; Imam Musa pays no attention to al-Hadi�s Threats; The Death of Musa al-Hadi; The time of Al-Rashid; His spending lavishly on Food; His Spending lavishly on Salve Girls; His Fondness of Jewels; The Extravagance of Zubayda; His Letter to Sufyan; Ibn Khaldun�s Statement; Al-Joumerd�s Defense; The Imam�s Attitude; Harun severely punishes the �Alawids; Al-Rashid's demolishing the Shrine of al-Husayn; Harun orders the �Alawids to be executed and assassinated; The Time of the Imam; Al-Shi�ubiya; Atheism and Hypocrisy; At the �Abbasid Time; The Summoners to Atheism; The Imams debate with them; Imam al-Sadiq�s Debates; The Policy of the �Abbasid Government; The Meaning of the Shi�a; Love for Ahl al-Bayt; The Ideological Frame of Shi�a; The Problem of the Creation of the Qur�an; A Group of his Companions and of the Narrators of his Traditions 1; The Imam�s Children; The Reasons for his Imprisonment; Harun�s Malice; His Craving after Power; His Hating the �Alawids; Informing against him; The Imam�s Demonstrations; His Specifying the Borders of Fedek; The Imam�s firm Attitude; In Dark Prisons; The Place of his Imprisonment; Al-Sindi harasses the Imam; The Imam devotes himself to Worship; Some Religious Scholars visit the Imam; Religious Questions sent to the Imam; The Imam appoints Representatives; The Imam appoints his Successor; The Imam�s Alms and Endowments; His being far above demanding his Release; The Imam�s Letter to Harun; Harun sends a Salve Girl to the Imam; Harun fails in assassinating the Imam; Yehya intercedes with Harun for Releasing the Imam; The Imam announces his Death; Statements on Giving him a Poison; How was the Imam poisoned?; Al-Sindi becomes confused; With al-Musayyab b. Zahra; To the High Comrade; The police investigate the Event; The Imam remains on the Bridge for three Days; Sulayman prepares the Imam for Burial; Maxims of Imam Musa ibn Ja'far al-Kazim;
- Author :
- Publisher :
- Language :
- Type :دیجیتالی
- Type of content :
- Total Volume :1
- Digital number :11465
- Cost View :رایگان
- Book Version :3